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Paul Desailly • Nov 07, 2023

What most distinguishes the Bahai Faith from other world religions renders Australian Bahai leaders* hypocrites OR unconscionably nescient.

For Australian substitute at will, American, British, Canadian, Indian, Kiwi, Nigerian, South African, Tanzanian...

The Fundamental Bahai Principle of a Universal Auxiliary Language p.54 

 “In order to facilitate complete understanding between all people, a universal auxiliary language will be adopted…In all the sacred books where do you find such a statement?” Abdul Baha in Divine Philosophy, ch. 2.

* Leaders herein are referenced as individual followers of Baha’u’llah (pronounced approximately: Ba Ho La) who, in his mid-forties, founded the Bahai religion in Persia in 1863 Democratically elected Bahai leaders exercise authority exclusively as nine-person Assemblies at local, regional, national and international levels, as depicted below in the Universal House of Justice, Mt. Carmel, Haifa. No priestly class exists! Authority rests with the collective! For a Bahai to criticize the Faith’s central Figures or institutions of the religion constitutes an undermining and unacceptable misstep which may lead to sanctioning such as a loss of voting rights. Criticizing fellow Bahais (leaders included) other than maliciously setting out to damage a coreligionist’s reputation, is allowed. That this ‘Bad Bahai’ since 1991 has criticized influential Bahai individuals, and yet, has never lost voting rights, speaks for itself. Their chronicled refraction re inaction on the auxlang principle is perhaps not seen by them as damaging or impious but as it’s now described at best as unconscionable nescience, sanctioning perchance awaits this sinner. Perhaps not, in that all Bahais via an independent investigation of truth and by means of transparent consultation must combat ignorance. Such inaction led Bahai authors and academics for decades to emasculate the language issue!  

“Leaders of religion, in every age, have hindered their people from attaining the shores of eternal salvation, inasmuch as they held the reins of authority in their mighty grasp. Some for the lust of leadership, others through want of knowledge and understanding, have been the cause of the deprivation of the people.” Baha’u’llah, said also:

“Abase not the station of the learned in Bahá and belittle not the rank of such rulers as administer justice amidst you.”

UHJ, L-R: Chuungu Malitonga, Paul Lample, Juan Francisco Mora, Ayman Rouhani, Payman Mohajer, Shahriar Razavi, Praveen Mallik, Andrej Donoval, Albert Nshisu Nsunga. May, 2023 

From their personal breach or nescience of the Bahai Covenant on the auxlang issue the cover-up ensuing is an affront: p54-65, 73-74

That female Bahai leaders are precluded from serving on the UHJ is addressed here:


Democratically elected leaders in national and global bodies are new in religion.

Various distinguishing factors are highlighted in yellow as seen through this Esperantist’s lens.


As you know, Baha’u’llah has wisely and entirely ruled out electioneering for positions on any Bahai institutions! What though is the case vis-à-vis a sort of inversion of that iconoclastic instruction? May Bahais canvass removal of the nescient? Incidentally, this septuagenarian’s many serious health issues since 2021 render me entirely unavailable for any admin role at all.

Distinctions Between the Bahai Faith and Other World Religions

A decade before undertaking his celebrated travels in western countries on the eve of World War One, Abdul Baha in Haifa said to some pilgrims: “The differences between this Revelation and that of Jesus Christ are, that in this cycle all the inhabitants of the world will be gathered into one nation; universal peace will prevail, bloodshed and war will cease; there will be a universal language; union and harmony will reach its highest state.” Star of The West volume 11 number 17. p 286; See Matthew 10:34

Seven or eight million Bahais in practically every region on Earth believe in progressive revelation: The Founders of Judaism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam, i.e., in Bahai parlance, Manifestations of God, have one and all returned spiritually in the name of Baha, as promised in the holy books. Abraham, Krishna, Moses, Zoroaster, Buddha, Christ and Muhammad possess the same spirit; the said sameness explains the singular true defining of reincarnation. They, and only They, after physical death, return to earth centuries hence, and only in the spirit! (Their virtues return!) To guide humanity in morality and spirituality these peerless Manifestations of God arise consecutively every 500 years or so; They differ only in their physical form and in the glory of the attributes bestowed divinely upon them by the one true God according to exigencies and crises of the era. Baha’u’llah is the Manifestation of God for our time. In that crucial sense no difference exists between the Bahai Faith and other Faiths, including indigenous religions, nor in the central tenet of loving one’s neighbor. 😊




Every Bahai believes that “the Promised One of all the peoples of the world hath appeared. All peoples and communities have been expecting a Revelation and He Baha’u’llah is the foremost teacher and educator of all mankind.” Abdul Baha in Bahá’u’lláh and the New Era (BNE) by dr. John Esslemont, p1. Without precedent in religious history, these teachings and principles of a divinely sent Messenger are extant and accessible in original manuscripts actually penned by Him so that we and future generations may intensely explore Revelation for ourselves, thus foiling forever the hazards of human meddling and faulty interpreting perpetrated by venal elites. But, with non-democratic entities bad old habits die hard, as in Chicago’s Bahai Publishing Trust and in the House-appointed Bahai International Community despite entreaty and overture from Esperantists of Illinois and especially from the office of the BIC’s Esperanto neighbors at the same, famous, NYC, UN address. ☹ MWPR, p86:

Significantly, the Bahai Writings make many specific and astounding references to the language principle, to Esperanto and to dr. Zamenhof. At times Abdul Baha not only met solo with Esperantists, he frequently spoke in person in their clubs and establishments. On one occasion in Paris, 1913, he four times directly mentioned Esperanto and once obliquely cited it within two moving paragraphs. The renowned Scottish Esperantist, dr. John Esslemont, recorded that speech in BNE, which Shoghi Effendi has described in his tour de force God Passes By as, “that splendid, authoritative and comprehensive introduction to Bahai history and teachings penned by that pure hearted and immortal promoter of the Faith, J. Esslemont.” That BNE constitutes an authoritative work is importantly relevant! At one-point Shoghi Effendi personally supervised revision of BNE. But, in 1950 the Bahai Publishing Committee USA acquired copyright, arrogated to itself an exclusive prerogative of the Bahai Guardian to pronounce the chronology of Abdul Baha’s Seven Candles of Unity and even published in BNE, as if penned by Esslemont, a belated role for the Language Candle in last position, after the Committee’s preferred Candles had, it stated, been attained. Those damaging machinations of American Bahais appeared in BNE’s chapter on language until the 1970 edition. Their further meddling in BNE sees even now therein faulty interpreting of Abdul Baha in London re a solo Universal Language that causes depreciation of Esperanto as the potential Auxlang. p.47; FB2B  p.64

No one has ever prevailed on BNE’s current owners in the USA to acknowledge the damage done (and is still occurring!) by letting stand for decades in ‘the textbook of the Faith’ non-sequitur conjoining of Abdul Baha’s advice on a Universal Language ‘of a far distant time’ with his ‘repeated and emphatic admonitions’ about an urgently required Universal Auxlang and his unequivocal & firm instructions re Esperanto. In the non-anglophonic world an affront to humanity depicted in this exposé extends far beyond America in translations of BNE in that the original in English, and emending thereof, form the template for BNE in a hundred languages.


Shortly before her murder in Treblinka, a Nazi concentration camp (a death camp essentially) in central Poland, Lidia Zamenhof, a devoted follower of Baha’u’llah and the youngest child of Klara and Ludovik Zamenhof, translated Baha’u’llah and the New Era into the world language (Shì Jiè Yǔ) which is the name for Esperanto in the Peoples Republic of China whose central government promotes it quite well.

Friends, let’s examine the sacred words of Abdul Baha vis-a-vis the synthesis, the symbiosis or, if you prefer, the coincidences, linking the Bahai Faith, the internal idea of the Esperanto movement and the realization of world peace. Notice please in the first paragraph several astonishing promises unprecedented in all the history of religion! 


(1) "The greatest means of progress towards the union of East and West will be a common language. It will make the whole world one home and become the strongest impulse for human advancement. It will upraise the standard of the oneness of humanity. [The Bahais’ maxim-come-battle-cry for 3 generations!] It will make the earth one universal commonwealth. It will be the cause of love between the children of men. It will cause good fellowship between the various races.

(2) "Now praise be to God that Dr. Zamenhof has invented the Esperanto language. It has all the potential qualities of becoming the international means of communication. All of us must be grateful and thankful to him for this noble effort for in this way he has served his fellowmen well. With untiring effort and self-sacrifice on the part of its devotees, Esperanto will become universal. Therefore, every one of us must study this language and spread it as far as possible, so that day by day it may receive a broader recognition, be accepted by all governments and nations of the world and become a part of the curriculum in all the public schools. I hope that Esperanto will be adopted as the language of all the future international conferences and congresses so that all people need acquire only two languages -- one their own tongue and the other the international language. Then perfect union will be established between all the people of the world. Consider how difficult it is today to communicate with various nations. If one studies fifty languages one may yet travel through a country and not know the language. Therefore I hope that you will make the utmost effort, so that this language of Esperanto may be widely spread.” Abdul Baha, Paris, February 1913. (See Baha’u’llah and the New Era, chapter X, The Way to Peace.)

Abdul Baha to Bahais: To spread Esperanto far and wide is a must and to study it --- a religious incumbency.

On MUST and INCUMBENCY, see points 17 and 12: Unique thanks?

Abdul Baha to Esperantists: “Thank you! I am extremely grateful to you. I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.” 

Why so grateful? Think Ruhi and 21st century Bahai service! To America’s Esperantists (25-4-1912) he portrayed Esperanto as “the very first service to the world of man.” See point 2, same link, and The Promulgation of Universal Peace, page 60. 

On reaching fifteen years of age, we Bahais choose independently of our parents, as to officially joining the Faith by signing a Covenant, in which we solemnly promise to obey guidance penned by the Universal House of Justice and by the central Figures of our religion, for example, Abdul Baha’s. Few Bahais seem even peripherally aware of his instructions about Dr Zamenhof’s language of world peace. For 21st century Bahai youths, Zamenhof is a name rarely heard, and Esperanto might be an Italian opera set in utopia! Why so? # By 1985 the Universal House of Justice, the supreme Bahai authority since 1963, had officially called on all peoples to urgently engage the fundamental principle of an international auxlang! (See points 3-5:

Abdul Baha often prioritized Esperanto! # Editors at Wikipedia and the prestigious Chambers Dictionary of Beliefs and Religions grasp way more of the Esperanto Bahai overlap (and publish it!) than House members in Haifa or Bahai proprietors and academics running, Bahai Blog, Bahai Chronicles etc. See:

        La Majstro

 Dr. L. L. Zamenhof  

       (1859 – 1917)                  

1905: French Legion of Honour      

1909: Commander of the Order of Isabella the Catholic        

1910: Nobel Peace Prize Nominee

1910: Attends World E-congress, DC.

2017: UNESCO nominee 

        The Master                 

Sir ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Abbas    

        (1844 – 1921)                

The Mystery of God. 

The Centre of the Covenant                 

1920: Knight of the British Empire

1912: ‘Eo 1st service to world.’ DC

   The Teacher           

Lidia Zamenhof       

  (1904 – 1942)

Ace Intercontinental teacher      

of Esperanto, ardent

member of the Bahá’í Faith.

Gassed by Nazis, Treblinka.

    The Guardian         

  Shoghi Effendi          

     (1897 – 1957)         

Interprets ‘Abdu’l- Bahá’s            

urgings of Bahá’ís to study                    

Esperanto: “repeated and                      

emphatic admonitions."                        

Baron Roman Rosen. (1847 - 1921) 

Russian diplomat to Tokyo and Washington in tumultuous times. 

Impoverished after the Bolshevik Revolution.


Incidentally, were Bahais allowed to wager, I’d bet London to a brick, you know little of Baha’u’llah’s Esperantism a mere 3 years after Dr Zamenhof had launched La Unua Libro, 1887 It’s not all your fault. Chosen, then cozened, were we. Bilingually: Never again? Engage Baha’i admin and vote well.

Bahá’í youth! Move the world ASAP:

# # Sadly, your generation too has been let down. Fix it!

Bahaipedia’s long standing untruths about English as the potential world tongue as adapted from the BIC’s official presentation on the auxlang principle in Beijing in 2004, 5 of the 6 excerpts on Esperanto downplaying it, (e.g. none cite Abdul Baha’s use of the imperative in authoritative texts that Bahais must study it), presenting poorly and with little context a hotchpotch of Bahai texts that appear antithetical one to the other, all coalesce to distort the Faith’s teachings for a new generation online: There’s worse! I pray the editor deigns to consult with my tech-savvy sons or tries reaching out here: #1029 14-8-2023.

Shoghi Effendi says that the people of the world are ever watching the followers of Baha’u’llah; he speaks to the love, peace and unity that we Bahais must exude “in words as mild as milk” as a precondition for teaching our Faith, while he notes however, that the fundamental Bahai principles and moral teachings must at times be forcibly stressed (FB2B pp. 34, 35, 42) and be seen by the public as offering and producing something better than what it already possesses:

“If, for example, the non-Bahais should ask the [Bahai] friends, ‘What differentiates you from all the rest?’,

and if, to this, the friends answer, ‘In the pathway of our love for the Centre of our Faith, we would sacrifice our lives and possessions,’ those of the civilized world would never be content with such a reply. They would merely say: ‘Your love, your sacrifice for a single individual cannot possibly serve as a remedy for the chronic ills which plague society today.’ If the friends then answer: ‘Our religion provides principles and moral teachings whose value the wisest of the day cannot deny,’ this will be the response: ‘Noble principles and teachings will produce an effect on human character, and heal the mortal sicknesses which afflict society, only at such time when those who claim to believe in and support them are themselves the first to act upon them, and to demonstrate and incorporate the value and the benefits of them in their own everyday transactions and lives.’ Unless this comes about, there is nothing to distinguish the Bahais from the rest.” Oh my God. Ho mia Dio.

Words of Shoghi Effendi at the outset of his long ministry: See Bahíyyih Khánum, pp. 203-204.

No member of the UHJ is an Esperantist. Not one Bahai in 30,000 obeys Abdul Baha’s instructions re Esperanto.

An old Bahai’s presentation under the auspices of the Australian Esperanto Congress & Summer School


  Based on a talk, International House, Melbourne University:


 Copyright is waived. Alter as appropriate for your region. Gratis in Esperanto:  pages 18-22

What distinguishes the Bahai Faith from other world religions? Partly to propagate the Bahai religion and partly to Esperantize my Bahai friends (which, without elaborating, the Universal House of Justice in May 1974 asked the Bahai Esperanto League not to do as an institution*) the Esperantism of the Founder, Baha’u’llah, is demonstrated in audiences with prof. E. G. Browne as early as 1890! Open a talk based on an Esperanto essay, bilingually, Lumbildoj 5 & 6: and here: *On reconsidering a decision see paragraphs 4 - 7:

Interactive in English, linking Esperanto with world peace: Add your input please!

And when the war is over in Ukraine? 10,000 clicks and 450 comments at Christmas 2022. Double the clicks and comments, mid-2023.

    • PROGRAM: Esperanto classes for children, eternal beginners, intermediate & advanced adult victims. 😊       
    • Fully catered. On site, inexpensive, modern accommodation. (USD 1:00 equals approximately A$ 1:50.)  😊
    • Lectures in and on Esperanto, and on many other subjects too.
    • AGM. An evening of theatre and music. Excursions. Games night.

    Bahai friends! On 17th September 1986 the UHJ noted that Bahais who collaborate with Esperantists find that we share many ideals. But, due to suboptimal consultation - for 89 years - misconceptions lingered (mainly in Bahai ranks, alas!) as to Esperanto’s easiness. From unauthenticated Bahai sources (Paris Talks. MWPR, p. 51) while calling on everybody to appreciate Esperanto, Abdul Baha is still cited from 1911: “Esperanto as it stands is very difficult for some people.” Shoghi Effendi to the rescue in 1926, but to little avail until 2015 when prof. G. Meyjes with Haifa’s sanction put into English the Faith’s official view: “With Esperanto the case is different as it is an easy language in both its written and spoken forms. Were the [Bahai] friends to learn this language the result would be to engender a greater feeling of love and unity amongst them and to facilitate the promotion of the Teachings revealed for the New Era” * Bring your kids; they get Esperanto’s beauty in a flash. It’s easy, it’s fun, its standards are as international as its teachers and so Gandhi, Bakin, Tolstoy, Forel, Tagore, Lu Xun and a zillion lovers of humanity lauded it galore. *FB2B, p.78:


    Will we find too that Ballarat actually enhances The 9 Year Plan’s vision of ‘transcending differences’ and ‘harmonizing perspectives’?  

    That Baha’u’llah was an Esperantist moves not Baha’i leaders in the Anglosphere and so the wider Baha’i community is as unmoving. Hypocrisy in Religion! Why is it so?

    When the leaders of religion shun their Faith’s official guidance pray and enlist help from the media!

    Trust in God but tie up your camel. Fidu je Dio sed ligu vian kamelon.

    Dear editor.                                                                                                                                                                              3rd September 2023


    In the history of the world-religions isn't it always the case, after the passing of the Founders, that Trouble and self-interest start with the powers that be in their Admin and Propagation?


    It's not like the Baha'is are plagued with paedophiles or have carried off the crown jewels BUT their individual leaders en masse resort to that old chestnut of shunning whistle-blowers who expose 'what they cannot bear to hear'. The Baha'i administration is designed brilliantly to accommodate East and West, God has chosen it BUT its Anglophilic and Persophilic leaders have cozened the rest of us! 


    Sincerely.            Paul (not the Apostle) Desailly.                 Adelaide, Australia                                       


     On Sept. 3, 2023, the President of the Universal Esperanto Association, Prof. Duncan Charters, composed the lines below in response to BahaiForums’ MEDIA RELEASE: AN EXPOSÉ ON RELIGION AN ILLICIT COVER UP and to its intro letter above to various media outlets. Dutch, English, Esperanto, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian Correctly assessed by Professor Duncan Charters Ph.D. See Sept. 10, 2023. #16. ‘Thank you for including me among those receiving your press release. It is clearly important to keep pointing out the conclusions of the [Baha’i] founders concerning Esperanto, because of the logic of that choice over English. I think I told you about the time when I went to an open Baha'i meeting in Bloomington, Indiana when a graduate student there, and the speaker was the General Secretary of the faith in the U.S. At that time his position was that a decision had not been made about an international language, and that since the time of the founders the use of English across the world had developed to the extent that it was probably a more logical choice as a universal language of communication within and outside the faith. So, I understand what you are dealing with.’  

    The Baha'i Esperanto League's 50th Anniversary (2023) statement emphasizes Shoghi Effendi's letters to individuals.

    Why omit Abdul Baha's musts to all Baha'is?


    See: September 14, 2023. #18  #

    See #20:  How 'Youth CAN move the world' becomes 'Youth DO move the world'


    Thanks for remembering to pray for this sinner, Badi, jaan. Reciprocated.

    Keep up your splendid penmanship. No reply needed. Your attitude is clear. Help to consult.

    May this amateur add for your next article: to see your target of the oneness of humanity attained you must adhere to what's numero unu in the Writings on that subject. 



    “Nuntempe [1891] nova lingvo kaj nova skribo estas elpensitaj. Se vi deziras, Ni komunikos ilin al vi.”  Epistle to the Son of the Wolf      Baha’u’llah     Epistolo al la Filo de la Lupo

    “At present, [1891] a new language and a new script have been devised. If thou desirest, We will communicate them to thee.” Bahá’u’lláh, Epistle to the Son of the Wolf. (Epistolo al la Filo de la Lupo.)

    By Paul Desailly 04 Dec, 2023
    Artikolo de P. Desailly (Novembro 2023) diskutas la rolon de Esperanto en la Bahaa komunumo, menciante Bernhard Westerhoff kaj Ciprian Jauca. Ĝi kritikas la malkreskon de esperantistoj inter bahaanoj kaj la defiojn en la promociado de Esperanto en la movado.
    By Paul Desailly 28 Nov, 2023
    Kio Plej Distingas La Bahaan Kredon De Aliaj Mond-Religioj Igas Aŭstraliajn Bahaajn Gvidantojn* Hipokritulojn Aŭ Nedefendeble Nesciaj
    By Paul Desailly 08 May, 2023
    Kaj pri ties pivota principo: servado al la unueco de la homaro #
    By Paul Desailly 28 Oct, 2022
    HIPOKRITECO EN RELIGIO. KIAL? HYPOCRISY IN RELIGION. WHY IS IT SO? Paŭlo (ne la Apostolo) Desailly (PD) Paul (not the Apostle) Desailly (PD) EN 1890 BAHA’U’LLAH JAM ESTIS ESPERANTISTO jam temp' está - por forigi hipokritecon en religio IN 1890 BAHA’U’LLAH ALREADY WAS AN ESPERANTIST it’s about time – to end hypocrisy in religion!
    By Paul Desailly 17 Jul, 2022
    Paul explains the history and current situation of the relationship between Bahá'ís and Esperanto. English: Bahaismo kaj Esperanto - tikla rilato Paul Desailly. Aǔstralio. 17 julio 2022. Paǔlo klarigas la historion kaj nunan situacion pri la rilato inter Bahaismo kaj Esperanto. Esperanto: -----------------------------------------------------------
    By Paul Desailly 20 Apr, 2022
    Paul (not the Apostle) Desailly. Adelaide. Australia. The Ides of March. 2022. Paŭlo (ne la Apostolo) Desailly. Adelajdo. Aŭstralio. La Iduoj Martaj. 2022. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE LIMBS OF MANKIND TO QUAKE LA MEMBROJ DE LA HOMO TREMI AND WHEN THE WAR IS OVER IN UKRAINE? KIO POST LA BOMBARDADO, KANONADO KAJ MISILADO DE UKRAINIO?
    By Paul Desailly 14 Feb, 2022
    “One day, while in Constantinople, [1863] Kamál Páshá [a high ranking Minister of State in the Ottoman court of Sultan ‘Abdu’l-‘Azíz (1830–1876, reigned: 1861–1876, abdicated 30th May, murdered five days later)] visited this Wronged One [Bahá’u’lláh]. Our conversation turned upon topics profitable unto man. He said that he had learned several languages. In reply We observed ‘You have wasted your life
    Sidnejo 2022 - anglalingve
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    Aŭstralia kaj Nov-Zelanda Hibrida Kongreso kaj Somerkursaro 2022
    By Paul Desailly 05 Jan, 2022
    Aŭstralia kaj Nov-Zelanda Hibrida Kongreso kaj Somerkursaro 2022
    By Paul Desailly 03 Sep, 2021
    THE INNOVATION FACTORY: 60 Halifax Street . Adelaide. Australia: Esperantlingve aperas resumo sur la lasta paĝo. A synopsis appears in Esperanto on the last page. In Australian society Councillor Arman Abrahimzadeh OAM is a tragic and compassionate figure much admired by Esperantists in 120 countries for his support of Esperanto’s internal idea, the promotion of world peace. One month after the 82nd World Congress of Esperanto in 1997 in Adelaide’s famous Convention Centre on the Torrens River, Arman and his sisters, in the care of their parents, arrived in Adelaide as refugees from Iran. The entire family prospered socially and financially such that all five family members soon enjoyed respect from the whole community. Sad in the extreme however was the family’s home life in that the deranged father frequently and mercilessly beat his wife and children. Amid a spectacular event for lovers of Persian culture an appalling culmination occurred in 2010 in the same magnificent Convention Centre in which 1,200 Esperantists from abroad had liaised, almost to the day of Arman’s arrival in Australia. In front of family members and the 300 Iranian Australians enjoying what should have been a nice night Arman’s mother was viciously and repeatedly stabbed to death - by his own father! Arman Abrahimzadeh - Australian of the Year who-killed-his-mother/100213252 That unspeakable tragedy moved Arman to dedicate himself to eliminating violence against women and to pacifying the world. To that end, nine days ago, the Councillor for the Central Ward of the City of Adelaide opened for Baha’is and for the public a school for teaching Esperanto gratis in the city centre: Baha'i & Esperanto Education Services. The president of the Australian Esperanto Association, Sandor Horvath, also officiated in the ceremony; he describes the touching event in his own words: “There are many ways to promote Esperanto. Once again, our Paul (‘not the apostle’) surprised us. He organized the rental of space in ‘The Innovation Factory’ to teach Esperanto to Bahá'ís and the general public. The site is organized by the Adelaide City Council and Paul is in good company with many young dynamic people working there on various start-up projects. I very much hope that this new initiative will attract some more people to Esperanto.”
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